Author Archives: Jenny

What is Time??

What is time?  Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience. (Wikipedia definition)

Time is man made, we have lived our lives by the moments of time and the experiences we have had in that time.  We define ourselves in time by, our age, the feeling of not enough time to do the things we wish or time moving too fast or slow.  We get up usually at the same time, we eat at nearly the same times each day and we go to sleep at the same time.  Have you known anyone that must wake at precisely the same time, eat at the exact time each day and is constantly determining if they are tired by checking the clock to see if it is bedtime?  Probably the only time most of us cease to be run by time is when we are on holidays and even then it is never far from our minds.  In days gone by the sailors sailed and lived by the sun, the moon and stars, farmers rose with the sun and went to bed with the sun and they judged the harvest by the look and feel of it, not by how many weeks it was growing.  They were much more in tune with nature and themselves and lived by their own rules.

Now we have deadlines to meet at work, at school and we have to be in a certain places at a certain time or we will miss out.  We have appointments to attend, meetings to be on time for, children to collect from school or sporting venues, we have to be at work at a certain time and not leave before the appointed time.  We have become clock watchers, rather than tuning into nature and ourselves.  That is progress and can’t totally be changed I know as we have created our world and the fast pace of our world.

Have you ever tried to slow down time?  Sounds ridiculous but it can be done.  I’m not going to tell you to remove all clocks and watches from your house as we do have to live within society and I dont know about you, but people who are continually late irrate me to a certain extent, so I wouldn’t want to do that either.  Have you ever set your intention before sleep and asked to be woken at a certain time?  I have and it works beautifully.  If you haven’t, then give it a try.  Set your intention to 5 mins before your alarm clock, or even 15 minutes and see what happens.  Keep setting intention until it works for you.

Have you had a day where you haven’t been able to do anything through illness, injury or just boredom?  How slow does the day go then?  See you can slow down time?  There is exactly the same amount of time in the day, but when you do nothing it seems twice as long.  How does that work?   And I’m not suggesting we do nothing with our lives, cause that would be boring and life is to be lived and enjoyed.

Still the mind, when you allow your thoughts and mind to be calm, time slows.  Our heads are so full of thoughts,  50,000-70,000 thoughts per day, this means between 35 and 48 thoughts per minute per person.  Wow, no wonder we are tired and feel time poor.  Most of those thoughts we have exactly the same every day, for we are creatures of habit.  You will all have experienced that space, just before sleep, when the mind goes quiet so we can sleep.  If we still our minds of unnecessary thoughts we can feel that stillness and time appears to suspend itself, even it only for a short while.

It will require some discipline to still the mind, to consciously let go of unneeded thoughts in every moment, but it can be done easily if you choose.  I have noticed so many people having disturbed sleep patterns and having little or no sleep.  I also have experienced this from time to time.  A mind that is stressed, over stimulated by life and our ‘wonderful’ gadgets we are attached to, contributes to a disturbed sleep.  If we were to practice stillness or mindfulness, then maybe we can reverse the sleep difficulties so many are experiencing.  Mindfulness had its beginnings in ancient Eastern traditions, such as Buddhism, and is now taking hold in conventional Western therapies to help those with stress or mental health challenges.  At its simplest, mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way to the present moment, without judgment. It means learning to rest your mind and body by focusing on the present moment.

Relax the body and mind at the same time and experience a sense of calmess and peace.  Have you heard the term “Go Within”, well it is achieved by paying attention to the present moment, without judgement and allowing yourself to move beyond the distractions of the present world and into a feeling of bliss!  Just for that time, allow yourself, to let go of the stress, the worry and just experience that deep sense of peace and contentment.  The more you go to that place or bliss, the more you will achieve more favourable outcomes to the experiences of life.  You will find you are able to deal with the pressures presented to you and find solutions, rather than sit in the problem.

Also in that place of bliss, you connect to a greater power than just your own power and you can allow yourself to become more creative.  Some call it the “zone”, I like to call it bliss.  Sports people, artists, musicians, authors allow themself to connect or step into their “zone” so they can create the best possible outcome of what they desire or want to achieve.

Each one of us has our own personal zone of potential.  We all have the potential to be whatever we choose to be, to be better today than we were yesterday, to enjoy life rather than just suffer life.  Maybe it’s time to sit in mindfulness and step into your own personal zone of potential.  What will you become, who do you want to be? There are no limits to what can be achieved by yourself.  Visualise your future and dream it into existence.  You are an amazing being destined to be the best possible you.  Don’t let time be your master, you become the master of time and live life by your conscious choices, not the constant thoughts of things already lived.  Go out and conquer the world and have fun doing it.  Make time your servant.  All the time in the world to accomplish the things you desire to do.

Meditation – Connecting with your Guides

Please enjoy this small meditation, it’s only around 6 mins in length.  Connect with your guides, they love to help us.  Use their energy to make your day perfect.  Comment below to let me know if that helps you to make a connection.

Are You Loving Yourself Enough?

Are you loving yourself enough?  Often we don’t, we love everyone else but we put ourselves last.  Sometimes there isn’t enough energy left for us to love ourselves when we have given it away to others.  2016 is the year for you to make yourself come first, what a change!  That notion can be a bit hard for many as we were taught to give to others always before ourselves.  So this year make it your mission to un-learn that belief of putting others before your needs.  The beauty of that, is that when we love ourselves first, and truly honour and believe in ourselves, we have so much more to give to others.  It is like offering a full glass of water to others, rather than a glass that is only a quarter full.

How do we love ourselves?

We can honour our physical self by looking after our bodies.  Drinking lots of water, eating good food, exercising and taking care of our health.  We can have massages, visit a naturopath, go dancing, swimming or just connect with family and friends.  We can listen to our thoughts and desires and treat ourselves to having some fun, enjoying an ice-cream or reading a book.  Sometimes we may just want to rest and do nothing, so do it and honour yourself.  If we are happy on the inside then it reflects on the outside.

Do you honour that infinite you?  Acknowledge and honour that beautiful essence of light that you are.  You are so much more than you think.  You are infinite potential just waiting to create magic in your life.  Acknowledge that essence, meditate, surround yourself in unconditional love and allow yourself to shine and create.  Dream, visualise and create the life you want to have.  Love yourself, know who you are and explore the infinite potential you carry within you.  Allow the love of your essence to merge with the love of your physical self and allow wondrous things to happen.  Love all parts of yourself and allow it become one, then true love emerges and explodes with light and the energy of unconditional love


Meditation 28th Nov 2015

Please enjoy this very short meditation.  Even in our busy lives we can make time to stop and centre ourselves and connect with our true selves.

The Essence of One

12th November 2015

In the peace of the moment I am here.  I am inside, without and all encompassing.  I am the number of one, the plural of one and the essence of one, all rolled into one.   Within that essence of one is everything.  I am as I am.  You do not take the time to understand me, please take a moment each day to understand the enormity of the oneness.  You are the creator of all things, even in your physicalness you are the creator.  You do not have to believe to be able to be a creator, it is the essence of you, something that can’t be given away or diminished in any way.  It is your birthright and is always waiting until that moment when you choose to remember who you are or allow yourself to live life in its fullness.  Then you will understand who you are.  I await your presence dear one.


The Miracle Studio and Jenny Mitchell

Starting on the 29th August 2015 I will be  conducting psychic/medium readings at The Miracle Studio, 13 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands.  Maria Elita owns The Miracle Studio and provides a beautiful space filled with lots of crystal energy for many events.  Check out The Miracle Studio on facebook for events.

Maria and Jenny

Life Isn’t Meant To Be Easy Or Is It?

I actually don’t like the statement “Life isn’t meant to be easy”.  What about if you add, as it was said originally, “It is meant to be Lived”.  It certainly changes the statement greatly.  I believe life is meant to be easy and yes life is to be enjoyed.  How is that possible when life appears to be so complicated?  Well of course we have things we have to deal with, we experience difficulties in life, but, if we don’t allow our thoughts to be constantly IN the problem, we find the way to deal with whatever is happening without the anguish of our entire being.

Symbol of Heart

The symbol of the incomplete heart reveals to me that we are open to experiencing more on so many levels. We have the capacity to love more, to learn more, to experience more, to live more fully and to express more love, particularly self love. And yet we are complete in every moment of every day.   When we see ourselves as open and allowing we are enriching our lives in every moment.  We are perfect.  When we realise we are perfect then there is nothing wanting in our lives.  We feel complete and grateful rather than wishing and praying for things to be different.  When we look at a flower, we see the beauty of it, we smell the perfume and delight in its creation.  We don’t pick it up and judge the imperfections that it may show.  For there are no imperfections in life, it just is the way it is.  There are no imperfections within you, you are perfect in every way.  Imperfections are a judgement you make upon yourself.  Love yourself and see yourself as perfect as I know you are.


Drama or Life?

What a crazy amazing world we live in.  I am constantly amazed at how fast everything changes and sometimes how things have changed without you even being aware of it.  We allow so much life to just slip through our fingers because we are not present in our lives.  Have you looked back and realised that you no longer do some things that you used to enjoy.  How did that happen?  It appears to have happened without you being aware of it.  I could list a lot of things that I used to really enjoy but don’t do anymore.

My life is not in balance, I have filled those empty spots with things that do not really make my heart sing.  Amazing is it not.   Therefore, I need to be present and bring back the joy and fulfilment into my life experience.  To do that I need to let go of some of the things presently in my life to make way for the things that fill me with joy.  Oh now I have decisions, decisions to make.  Can I do that, do I have the time. Life becomes a roundabout as I can’t make up my mind what to change, how to make a space.  Then life continues on without any changes, then I complain once again.  Hold on, stop.  Grab a bit of paper and list the things in your life hour by hour, day by day, week by week and month and year by month and year that you presently do.  Take the time to do it.  The things on your list, do you want to do that, do you enjoy that?  Be honest.  Sometimes we do things out of necessity, mostly we just fill our time with things that have little or no meaning for us.  We have just filled a space.

How much time do you spend watching television mindlessly.  Some programs fill us with joy, but mostly we are tuned out of life and allowing the mediocre of the program to fill another space.  Now we have the mobile phone, ipads, computers and so on to fill our time with mindless things.  We have become so engrossed in technology we forget to communicate with our partners, families, friends and family.  We send texts instead of speaking.  Nothing can substitute for the vibration and connection of the human voice.  Now I love technology as much as everyone else, but have we crossed the line and allowed technology to rule our lives.  Are you playing a mindless game rather than engaging in conversation or expanding your knowledge.  I have been guilty of this.  Try and go without your phone for a weekend, oh no, withdrawal symptoms.  If someone does not answer our call in the first few seconds, we think they are ignoring us.  What have we done wrong?  We fill our present moments with so much and then wonder why we have so little time to enjoy life.

Our thoughts are going a million miles an hour and clogging our time and we run out of time!!!!!!  Oh the drama of life.  What does it mean to be present.  In the present, there is no past, no future, just the essence of life in the moment.  Nearly all our thoughts are either focussed in the future or the past.  Worry, fear, doubt, jealousy, anger are all products of the thoughts of the mind that is focussed in the future or the past.

In the present moment everything is alive, has energy.  In the present moment we can enjoy life, for we allow our thoughts to be still and just feel the vibration of life.  So where is the best place for us to live????? I want to live in the present moment and be happy and fulfilled.  It is only my mind that prevents me from living there……When my thoughts wander from the present moment, I will bring it back by being present…I will concentrate on my breath and feel the energy of my body and absorb the sounds and movement around me and I will find peace and life.

Words from Spirit 8th March 2015

This is the message that was given to the Divine Connections group on Sunday 8th March, 2015.