Category Archives: Blog

2013 Are You On Track

Jenny Mitchell-clairvoyant readings, soul healings, mediumship readings, development classes, channelled healings

I’m sure that you all did so much work at the end of 2012 to release old beliefs and patterns and ended the year knowing that you were ready for 2013.

It may be time to just revise those things that you released to just make sure that you haven’t picked up those old beliefs and patterns as sometimes we just drift back into our old ways of thinking without even realising it.

Be clear of what you want to achieve in 2013. Remember “WHO YOU ARE” and live in that energy of Spirit and love. Visualise those things that you want to achieve and stay focused.

Are you still not sure what it is that you want? Then define what it is that you DON”T want and start from there.

Enjoy creating a NEW YOU and have fun. Take the time to be still and meditate. Daydream and know that what you want or desire can be yours. Remember to laugh and enjoy the journey.

Flowing with Life

We have gained so much knowledge over our lifetimes, now is the time to use that knowledge and live in peace and stillness. We can achieve that by letting go of our fears and insecurities and just allowing the freedom of life to flow. Abraham, channeled through Ester Hicks, talks about flowing with the flow of life. Imagine we are in a boat, flowing in the current of life. When we get consumed by fears it is as if we are trying to row our boat upstream, so much effort required and not achieving anything anyway. Let go of the oars (our fears) and the boat will turn around and we will flow with the current again. Then the stream of life will take us to what we require, what we need and we can enjoy the journey xx

I Believe In You

Beautiful day, sun shining and warm. Imagine the warmth of the sun as the love of God/Spirit telling you how special you are. You are the same energy as God/Spirit, no less, so you must be magnificent. I know you are, I believe in you and your greatness.

We all have greatness within ourselves whether we know it or not. We are all born with the ability to use out intuition, our psychic abilities or clairvoyant abilities.

In some people those abilities lie dormant for a lifetime but in others we feel a stirring, a need to know why we are here and why?

That sets us off to find our true selves and understand our journey of life. How exciting to unravel our true identity and find our own path. Sometimes we find blocks upon our path which may be holding us back. We need to identify those blocks so we can go over or around.

Have you ever had a purely spiritual reading. I allow your guides to come through and speak to you about your journey of life and the best way to move forward. I also use my gifts to look upon your journey and give guidance. Readings can be face to face or by skype. Contact me through this website for more information.

Have a fabulous day


The purpose of life is to find happiness and peace. We find this by understanding who we are and that all the problems that are weighing us down are just an illusion of the ego mind (our emotional self). Enjoy today and smile at all you meet.
What is illusion? Illusion is when something appears real but it isn’t. For example when a magician does tricks and yet it appears real to us. How do they do it?

We live illusion in our life. We think everything we have ever done in this life is real, but is it? Can you touch your past? We say we can because we talk about it, we imagine it and feel the emotion of that experience, but can you hold it in your hands, is it solid, no? We can never go back and touch and re-live that experience, we can in our thoughts and in our emotions, but not physically reliving the experience. Is that then not like the magician, saying its real, but it isn’t.
When we understand the concept of illusion, it helps us to let go of past emotions. Emotions are created from that experience and we must allow ourselves to have new emotions for each experience we have. How exciting to be able to create a new emotion for each new experience. The emotion that I experienced years ago was created by a different me. Now I am more aware of how I process life and I can make different choices and choose to feel different. I call it allowing your emotions to grow up just as as we age and mature in our physical bodies. From all of my experiences of life and the processing of those experiences I am a different Jenny to the Jenny I was in my teens, my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s and now in my 50’s.

At a younger age I didn’t feel strong enough to defend myself and to not let people say or do things that I didn’t like. Now I can have my opinion and say no or walk away if I don’t like a particular experience.

What freedom that gives me, to feel empowered to be in charge of my own destiny. I can choose peace and happiness. I can choose the people I associate with. I can choose what path I will take in the future or in any moment. I am free, are YOU? Come and be free with me and enjoy each moment of each day.

Be Kind To Yourself

Today be kind to yourself. Do not speak harshly to yourself or judge yourself. Tell yourself how special you are.

How do you treat your best friend? Do you show compassion when they are struggling with life? Do you build their confidence and sympathize with them? Do you laugh and do fun things together and know they are always there for a chat? I’m sure you do.

How about you start to treat yourself as your very best friend. I bet you put yourself down all the time, feel lost, not as good as you should be. How about treating yourself to something special, talking gently to yourself and tell yourself how wonderful you are and how everything always works out in the end. Use kind and uplifting words to yourself and just love yourself from the inside out.

You wouldn’t be here on this Earth at this particular time unless you had asked to be here to help humanity move through hardship and into more peaceful times. So you are amazing, you have chosen to experience all aspects of this journey of life and to hold your hand out and help and guide others on the way.

Turn your light on and look and see how magnificent you are. See the colours and the lights of your magnificence. Walk forward confidently with your head held up and look around you and see also the magnificence of life around you. Have fun on your journey, stop and smell the roses.

Psychic Clairvoyant Readings

Sometimes we feel we need some guidance or direction in our lives particularly when we have ups and downs in our lives.

A psychic or clairvoyant reading can give you insights into what is happening around you and give clarity for the future. A psychic or clairvoyant reading often given insights into Why? you may be feeling a certain way or acting a certain way.

Always remember we have choices in life and so we can choose to change the way we think or feel and that often makes a huge impact in our life.

Contact me if you are feeling the need for a Psychic, Clairvoyant or Medium reading and I would love to help you.

I can also use Skype if you aren’t local to me at Marsden in Brisbane. Contact me through this website and we can make an appointment.

Choices not Mistakes

It’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are our friends – they help us grow. Actually, it is impossible to make a ‘mistake’ in real terms, since everything that we call a ‘mistake’ actually brings us benefit.

The above is a quote from Neale Donald Walsch

I like to say choices, not mistakes. The word ‘mistake’ instantly tells us that we did something wrong or incorrect. A choice means we did the best we could do at the time with the information we knew at that moment.

We have the ability to choose our experiences and if we make a choice that doesn’t resonate with us after we make it, then make another choice and keep moving forward.

Each choice we make leads us on an exciting journey of discovery. Enjoy the journey.

Goals, Dreams and Desires

You are a beautiful spirit being and deserve all the abundance that you can grasp.  Put your hand out and take what you want.

Too often we want something to happen to us, but we sit back and expect it to come to us.  The new energy that is being discussed and felt is about taking responsibility and using your actions to achieve your desires.  Get excited and do something each day to achieve your goals, dreams and desires.

Everything we desire is just there, don’t give up before you have it.  It may be just the next step that you take that you find it all waiting just there, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Enjoy each day and take positive and joyful decisions.


Energy Healing

Please check out my page on What is Healing?

Are you feeling out of balance, tired, restless or fatigued.  Perhaps you need a chakra balance healing or aura cleansing healing.

Reiki healing, crystal healing, spiritual healing or vibrational healing will also help to re-balance and re-engergise your body and help you to feel full of life again.

If this relates to you, send me an email and we can arrange a time that we can get together so I can assist you.


Easy Ways to Lift Your Energy

Wednesday 26th September 2012

Hi everyone, this is my very first post on my new website.  At the moment lots of people have been feeling a bit flat in their energy with disturbed sleep patterns and lethargic.

There are some easy ways to give you a lift in your energy.

  • Breathe deeply and rhythmically, this fills the body with oxygen and gives us energy
  • As you breathe out push any negative or unwanted low vibration energy away from you and do this several times and then on the next breath visualize breathing out the most  beautiful light and positive energy.
  • Stand in the sun for a few minutes breathing in the suns light and energy through you crown chakra (at the top of your head) and fill yourself with light
  • Pick your favourite crystal and keep it with you and allow the energy of the crystal to energise you

Try those few very simple techniques and let me know how you feel after doing the process.  This is a simple way of healing yourself.

Love and light