We all believe that there is something that makes the clouds stay up in the sky, the rain to fall, the sun to shine and turns day turn into night. We also realise that is some greater purpose, most are unsure of what that may be, but still there is a rhyme and reason to life which we are trying to discover. That power that controls our life is often labelled many different names, God, Love, Universe, Spirit, God/Goddess, Energy and probably lots more.

What is healing? clairvoyant readings, soul healings, mediumship readings, development classes, channelled healings
The name we choose to call that power is not the important detail, but it is the feel or energy that is. I choose to call that energy God. When we allow ourselves to tap into the energy we feel a power flowing into us as well. Not a power of control, but a loving powerful energy that gives us strength to achieve the things we would like to achieve.
For example, if your phone becomes flat, you plug in the charger and turn on the electricity and the magic of the power does the magic for your phone and charges it, brings it back to life. The same thing happens when we plug into the energy of God, it brings us back to life.
As a healer, I allow myself to plug into the power and healing energy of God/Spirit and allow myself to be the conductor of the energy. By my intention and surrender I allow the enrgy to flow through me and into my client. My client’s body is then re-charged so that their own body can do their own healing. I also use techniques of different modalities of healing to then release negative energy that may be stored in your energy field, which causes dis..ease. Through a series of meditation and energy transmission I can assist you to heal yourself. Even people who have no belief in healing can be healed because on some level of their consciousness , they open to the energy and the body takes in the energy.
Healing is the most beautiful way of connecting with God/Spirit. The energy and love of the healing heals on all levels of our being, mental, emotional and spiritual. Healing is wonderful for people who have physical health issues as well as people who have emotional issues. Healing is also a wonderful meditative practice, connecting and surrendering and allowing the power of our divine self to become known to our consciousness self.
There are so many different modalities of healing, Reiki is perhaps the most well known practice. I also use magnetic healing, spiritual healing, guide healings, meditation, crystal healing, energy healing and soul healings which takes you into the scource of all life and lets you feel your true self.