I am a Messenger of Spirit, passing on the words of Spirit though readings, channeling and healing.  I also run workshops on different spiritual topics to assist people to realise their true potential. 

Readings – Choose a psychic or medium reading or a mixture of both. A Psychic reading deals with mainly what has happened over your lifetime and what is forecast in your future, which can be changed by your own thought processes.  A medium reading is where I tap into the energy of your loved ones to pass on messages from them.  Also a medium reading is connecting with my guides and spirit teachers to give guidance along your journey of life.  Perhaps there may be issues that may need clarification for you.  Usually my readings include a little of both. I offer readings online through zoom, messenger, Facetime or face to face readings.  

All readings are recorded either on your own device or I can record and send you the file to listen to  for further reference. 

Guide Readings – I channel one of your guides or someone from your soul group to connect with you to help you to understand some part of your current life. This channeling gives insight into why you feel this way, often releases blockages of past life times as well.   

Healings – I use many different modalities depending of what is your need at the time.  My healings are also a mixture of meditation and energy transference. 

Soul healings connect you back into the Divine essence of your Being and gives you a knowingness of Who You Truly Are.  Gives you clarity and heals on all levels of your being.  Truly an awesome experience. 

Inner Growth and Spiritual Awareness guidance to help you to know yourself better and to live in peace and harmony


Readings – $100 for 45-60 mins

                    $70 for 30 mins


Skype readings available.

Healings –   $70 for 45 – 60 mins. Chakra Balancing $50.

Clearing Blockages $70.   Personalised Mediation/healing $50

Guide Readings Only – $25 for 15 mins

Divine Connections is a teaching group that meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday nights of the month at Slacks Creek Progress Hall, Springwood from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.   We get together to meditate, sing, heal and grow spiritually through accessing wisdom and higher learnings.   Great space to have the opportunity to learn and  practice your own Spiritual abilities .  

Cost $20

I have been conducting meditation groups for over 20 years, taking people from that first experience to a magical journey deep into the consciousness of Spirit.  Contact me for details. 


Mediation is a very important tool for us to use.  It relieves stress, brings us closer to our spirit and allows us to contact our guides and family in  spirit. We need to meditate on a daily basis, the energy that we receive helps us to balance our lives.  Just 15 minutes is enough to make contact with ourselves. 

There are only two emotions in this world, love and fear.  Too often we allow our fears to overcome us.  We must allow Love to be our guide.  Give,  not expecting anything in return. Love all that you have and all that you are.  Know that you are a very special human being, and anything is possible.  Don’t limit your thinking; be open to new ideas and thoughts.  Always be open to change.  Change brings new opportunities, newness and excitement.

At the moment during COVID-19, meditation groups are being held through Zoom.  Meditation on Zoom?  Does that work?  Yes it does.  The energy connects us all together whether we are in the same room or online.  Contact me for more details.