Today be kind to yourself. Do not speak harshly to yourself or judge yourself. Tell yourself how special you are.
How do you treat your best friend? Do you show compassion when they are struggling with life? Do you build their confidence and sympathize with them? Do you laugh and do fun things together and know they are always there for a chat? I’m sure you do.
How about you start to treat yourself as your very best friend. I bet you put yourself down all the time, feel lost, not as good as you should be. How about treating yourself to something special, talking gently to yourself and tell yourself how wonderful you are and how everything always works out in the end. Use kind and uplifting words to yourself and just love yourself from the inside out.
You wouldn’t be here on this Earth at this particular time unless you had asked to be here to help humanity move through hardship and into more peaceful times. So you are amazing, you have chosen to experience all aspects of this journey of life and to hold your hand out and help and guide others on the way.
Turn your light on and look and see how magnificent you are. See the colours and the lights of your magnificence. Walk forward confidently with your head held up and look around you and see also the magnificence of life around you. Have fun on your journey, stop and smell the roses.